March 26, 2025

FAQ's About Public Policy

Q. How do I get started?
A. First, review our tips for becoming an advocate. Attend conferences and workshops on public policy and advocacy. And consider joining MOAEYC and subscribing to our national and state public policy listservs. You'll receive action alerts and updates on the legislation progress.
Q. Where can I find the names of my state legislators?

For a complete list of elected state officials for your district, use the Legislator Lookup on the Missouri House of Representatives home page.

Q. How do I find out about current legislation affecting children and families?

Use the Bill Search on the Missouri General Assembly home page. Simply enter a bill number or keyword, then press "Go".

For example, enter the text "children and families", and all bills relating to that topic will be listed. Bills are filed each December prior to the beginning of the legislative session in January.

For updated information on federal and state policies and legislation, visit the Children's Champions section of NAEYC's website.

Q. How can my one voice make a difference?
A. Children don't have a vote — adults do. Early childhood professionals who work with children each day know the challenges that families face. We are in the best position to make a difference for children.