March 25, 2025

From the President


I want to thank you for your interest in the Missouri Association for the Education of Young Children  (MOAEYC). We represent over 34,000 professionals across the state that work in a variety of early childhood settings. As the state affiliate, we serve as a liaison to the national organization and coordinate the activities of the regional chapters in Missouri.

We are committed to fostering healthy child development and strengthening families through quality educational programs. We believe that this can be accomplished by helping and supporting teachers, trainers and administrators in their work and professional development. MOAEYC is a collective voice in a field that is dramatically diverse and fragmented. Participating in MOAEYC offers professionals opportunities to unite and share with a broad base of other individuals in a common cause.

I am interested in meeting you and sharing our common vision for the children and families of Missouri. Please feel free to email me at if you have any questions about our work. I hope you will find the information on this site helpful and want to encourage you to consider becoming a member of MOAEYC.


Lisa Thompson
MOAEYC President