March 25, 2025

Position Statements and Briefs

The MOAEYC  Public Policy Committee, lead by Co-chairs appointed by the MOAEYC President, work closely with affiliate chapter public policy chairs and others recruited from public policy leaders and stakeholders in Missouri, to educate and engage the members in appropriate legislative policy advocacy.

Through coordinated efforts with other key organizations across Missouri, the committee develops annual position statements to address public policy priorities for issues related to children ages 0-8, in the context of the political climate and legislative/regulatory schedule of the state.

In 2008 the MOAEYC Public Policy Committee wrote position statements addressing three major areas of concern for consideration when advocates are engaged in both federal and state public policy activities. These statements provide statistical information which can be very helpful in conveying to legislatures the necessity to support Missouri children’s programs through:

2008 Statement on Child Care Subsidy
2008 Statement on Universal Prekindergarten
2008 Statement on Quality Rating System (QRS)

In 2008-2009, a committee of early childhood leaders, organized by the members of the OPEN Initiative, at the Center for Family Policy & Research developed the following briefs.

WHY a Missouri QRS and WHY NOT a Missouri QRS
Child Care Assistance - Helping Missouri's Working Families

MOAEYC has endorsed the briefs and has worked to bring awareness to the benefits of a QRS System.

Download MOAEYC's Public Policy Platform and Agenda
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 National Public Policy Issues cand links can be found on the NAEYC website Public Policy page